This may well be the last chance for you to make a real difference in keeping Folsom Lake State Park safe! When officials add mountain and E-bikes to existing walking and equestrian trails – it’s a recipe for disaster!
Folks, we are at a crossroad and time is running out to prevent State Parks from moving forward with their ill-conceived plans to open existing pedestrian & equestrian trails to speeding bikes. ACE spent 20+ years trying to get State Parks to do the right thing, but State Park officials have chosen to ignore ACE’s and the public’s safety concerns. In spite of documented proof that “slow moving” user groups (pedestrians and equestrians) are being seriously injured and even dying from collisions caused by “fast moving” trail users (bike riders), State Parks is determined to open existing trails to speeding bikes.
Therefore, Ace 4 Safe Trails has filed a lawsuit against State Parks on behalf of trail users like you, and we need your financial support to keep the lawsuit moving forward.
This is how you can directly help:
- Read our posts here on the website.
- Please donate to our legal fund, our legal expenses so far have already exceeded $10K.
Ace 4 Safe Trails is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Please mail your donation to: Ace 4 Safe Trails, PO Box 2025, Granite Bay, CA 95746
Or donate safely online through PayPal
- Tell everyone you know who cares about our trails and wants to participate in taking back our trails about what is doing on their behalf.
- Contact your State legislators and local officials, asking them to meet with Ace 4 Safe Trails Board Members to hear about our concerns first hand. (Remember, your tax dollars pay for the management and operations of State Parks, and your voice about how Parks are managed is important.)
- Report any incidents or conflicts on the trails to Parks Dispatch at (916) 358-1300 and obtain the incident report number.
Please volunteer, Ace 4 Safe Trails welcomes all the help we can get. Contact us at
(530) 864-6475 (Lynelle Robertson) or (916) 292-9644 (Mike Finta)